The History and Health Benefits of Cinnamon in Tea
Natasha NesicDiscover the rich history, health benefits, and bold flavors of cinnamon as we explore how this beloved spice elevates your favorite winter teas.
... read moreDiscover the rich history, health benefits, and bold flavors of cinnamon as we explore how this beloved spice elevates your favorite winter teas.
... read moreDiscover five fruity tea blends that will help you savor the flavors of summer while gearing up for the cozy days of fall!
... read moreLet's dig in on cardamom and find some lovely teas that bring out this enchanting flavor.
... read moreIt's the holiday season and gift giving is afoot. Here are some sampler recommendations for the tea lover in your life!
... read moreThanksgiving will be here faster than you know it! Prepare with these five teas.
... read moreSpooky season is upon us! Check out these teas to chill out and cozy up with.
... read moreThese songs and teas are the perfect thing to keep the temperature down this summer.
... read moreA conglomeration of how to stay hydrated from our favorite personal trainer- Natasha! Use these teas, botanicals, salt, and spices to stay on top of your game as the heat starts to pick up.
... read moreCelebrate May Day with these not-to-be-missed medley of teas!
... read more5 Teas that you need with your brunch this Spring!
... read moreWhy so serious? Here are five teas that will help you chill and put a spring back in your step for the season!
... read moreTreat yourself to these teas that will bring self care to a whole new level with a cup of tea and a matching song.
... read moreThese five teas should make you feel good and ready to take on the new year!
... read moreNatasha is at it again with a light-hearted piece to match tea to some of your favorite songs!
... read moreHere are some teas to light a fire in your belly in memorium of Guy Fawkes Night!
... read moreSome people are a little scared to try Pu-Erh, but let us guide you to find the perfect one for you to try!
... read moreMaking the perfect cup of tea requires the right tools. Find some to match your style.
... read moreTake some time to learn about the grey dragon of teas - oolong!
... read moreThere's an iced tea for every palate to cool down those hot summer nights over at Adagio. Find the one that's perfect for you!
... read moreFive teaware recommendations you just have to see for yourself!
... read moreDon’t underestimate the... power of Tea! Celebrate this special day with these delicious teas that remind us of this classic series.
... read moreTeas to help get through the ever changing weather of March.
... read moreWith hearts on our minds in this lovely time of year, here are some heart-healthy tea recommendations!
... read moreTeas you have to try inspired by your favorite fandoms! Including Dragonball Z, Doctor Who, Avatar, and more!
... read moreGrab these gift ideas to bring health, wealth, friendship, culture, and humor into your life this holiday season!
... read moreIt's the season of story-telling, urban legends, and mythological lore... time to debunk some of the tallest tales about tea out there.
... read moreHow has tea enriched your life? What lessons have you learned? Natasha shares her reflections here.
... read moreCheck out these teas if you're feeling a little cold coming on in this rainy summer season.
... read moreFarm fresh tea is what Adagio does best! Learn about some of their independent farmers and the teas they grow.
... read moreFind out how to get the right balance of ionized minerals into your system quickly in the heat of summer with some nourishing iced tea!
... read moreIngredients in tea to help soothe those pesky seasonal allergies!
... read moreLet’s meet and get to know a few favorite flowers better. Introducing marigold, cornflower, and chamomile!
... read moreCongrats for surviving the Ides of March! Now, here is a fun take on how to take care of yourself with some cheeky insight from Natasha!
... read moreThree different ways to get your heart pumping with tea, whether it be physically or metaphorically!
... read moreThe best thing I heard this week was, “I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. I make New Year’s goals.” Here's how tea can help you achieve these goals!
... read moreWith the holiday season almost over, there might still be those in your life who need a list minute gift! This guide is here to help!
... read moreCaffeine-free teas to keep you energized without the jitters any time- day or night!
... read moreThree unique brines you have to try on your main course this Thanksgiving!
... read moreLearn how to get the most caffeine out of each popular tea variety with a few easy and quick tips!
... read moreFive profiles of Adagio teas that incorporate scientifically-proven ingredients to help rev up your internal engine!
... read moreLooking into caffeine in tea through the lenses of type, temperature, and time!
... read moreThe facts on what is often referred to as the “fourth macronutrient” alongside protein, carbs, and fat.
... read moreLearn the relationship between tea and the mineral: magnesium!
... read moreMost, if not all teas, help digest dietary fat simply by acting as an additional source of hydration. Click to find out more!
... read moreChemically, carbohydrates are big ol’ molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Which is kind of hilarious when you think about it, because it sounds as if every time we have a bowl of oatmeal, we should be coughing up charcoal or diamonds by the end of the day.
... read moreBodybuilding lore says, "Abs are made in the kitchen and revealed at the gym," so let’s go there to start. (Plus, the kitchen is where the tea lives. And that’s our ultimate destination for this article.)
... read moreNow, on to the third and last installment of my recommendations for tea that best compliments your fitness practices!
... read moreJoin the resistance... when strength-training, with...resistance!! Learn which teas help you body best when you're using the power of resistance to exercise and be healthy!
... read moreDo you even steep, bro? Natasha is certifiably the right person to help us choose the best tea for your workout routine, as she's both a certified personal trainer and tea sommelier! Read on, then off to your exercise!
... read moreMany of our cupboards are overflowing with fandom sample tins, but can being a fan of your favorite show, movie, books, or whatever it is, give you a deeper appreciation for tea?
... read moreLearn with Natasha, how different water qualities and properties affect your tea experience!
... read moreWork work work work! We all have so much of it to do! Natasha brings us some great recommendations for tailoring your tea to the type of work you're... working on!
... read moreNatasha is keeping us informed and entertained with this new piece about her experience and our Roots Program at Adagio!
... read moreNow that we're firmly into 2019, have you kept up your resolutions so far? One that we can continue to work on all year through is being grateful. Natasha shares some of her gratitude practice and the perfect tea accompaniment.
... read morePumpkin Spice... ok before you roll your eyes: learn why cloves are the unsung hero of that most autumnal blend of spices and flavors. Ok now get out your puffy vest, riding boots, plaid scarves, pour a cup of tea and read on.
... read moreDiscover the medicinal might of mint! Natasha helps us understand the types and their benefits! Minty-fresh!
... read moreThis time, Natasha experiments with the all-powerful Matcha! Let's see how her story con'tea'nues to develop, as she whisks up some great info, with great humor too!
... read moreLove it, or hate it, ginger is a powerful flavor, and healing force! Natasha recounts her flavor journey with the root, and how it has helped her heal from gingery... oops - we mean injury! Do you enjoy some in your teas? Read on...
... read moreIn her new quest to find a tea concoction to help her wind down and get a good night's sleep, Natasha keeps experimenting, and entertaining us along the way! See what she came up with...
... read moreI thought I finished experimenting in college, but with tea now in my life, the universe had other ideas. Let's explore the first of many tea creations... our first one with... COFFEE?! WARNING: Kids, don't try any of this at home. (But since I know that you will anyway, I'm giving you all the mistakes I made, so that you can learn from them.)
... read moreIf you've been anywhere near your Facebook feed recently, it seems that tea has been getting bigger and bigger in social culture. Blame the Millennials! This current generation of pesky kids has a lot to answer for, Instagramming their leaves all over the place. Question is: does that make tea a "Millennial thing"? And come to think of it--what the cup does "Millennial" mean, anyway?
... read moreResolutions waning? Too much Valentine's Day Chocolate? Find out how incorporating the wonders of turmeric into your life, workouts, and (most importantly) teas can help! Take it from Natasha, who's a Personal Trainer for Life & Tea Sommelier! If anyone could be more qualified to combine tea and fitness... and turmeric! Read on!
... read moreWe already know that the tea you’ve created is unique to you, and the life that you’re bringing to that character or concept. By all means, infuse that into the wrapper! This label is an opportunity to explore a visual taste sensation.
... read moreWhat goes into a Signature or Fandom Blend? Let me tell you: it’s like asking Mom, “How are babies made?” all over again—only this time you’re old enough to know how all the necessary parts work together.
... read moreIf you scroll through the Signature Blends series on Adagio.com, you’ll find that you are not the only one! With over 100,000 blends housed on the website—currently 103,685 blends square—there are literally thousands of ways to explore your passion through flavor.
... read moreWhen someone says “yoga,” the first thing that comes to mind is Lotus pose. t’s the one that can take the longest to achieve, due to how flexible you must be in your hips, knees, and ankles to get into the pose—let alone sit comfortably for the desired length of meditation...
... read moreHoly cup, Number 10! Since we’ve been focusing so far on strength and stability, now is a good time to add a recovery pose into your yoga arsenal. That’s why we have Balasana, or Child’s Pose. One of the most essential restorative poses, Child’s Pose is a deeply internal experience--even if you’re there for just one breath...
... read moreWith each stretch and bend, Melissa encouraged us to go deeper within ourselves. Breathe, listen to the funny inhabitants of our bellies. And as organs are wont to do, they responded appreciatively. This was only the beginning of the Spring Cleanse Tea & Yoga Workshop at West End Health & Fitness, held on March 26th, 2017.
... read more“March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb.” It’s at this time of the year that we must say, “Screw it,” and stick our tongues out at the melancholy of the world. So, forget lambs. We’re sending March out like lions! March is no match for your Matcha...
... read moreIn honor of love, we’re doing Cobra. What the cup does Cobra have to do with love?Everything, in fact... Cobra is a chest opener—and when you open your chest, the heart goes with it. It’s called a “heart-center” for a reason, folks.
... read moreBe honest with yourself: how often do you think about your heart? Usually, it’s in the metaphorical sense—love, emotion, all those warm fuzzy feelings that make us curl up with a cup of tea. But let’s not forget that the heart is a living organ, as well! It’s a pumping, breathing machine that needs just as much nourishment and understanding as any other part of our body.
... read moreHey there, tea lovers! We’re locked in the dead of winter. It only makes sense that we get into Corpse Pose and, luckily, Savasana is the easiest pose you can ever attempt in yoga. It's just you and the floor, rejuvenating your circulation by sheer gravity working on your muscles, joints, and nervous system in contact with the ground beneath you. (Science is beautiful.)
... read moreNatasha pairs another yoga pose (The Boat Pose) with a delicious tea pairing suggestion (White Silver Needle) for a sublimely zen experience.
... read moreThis is a job for TeaJay Gyoku-Roshi, master DJ sommelier. Last January he brought back the sun, so now let him soothe your slumber, with beats for the best rest this side of the Mississippi. All these pairings are caffeine-free, and you may go through the whole track, or do it tea by tea, song by song on repeat, depending on your goals for maximum sleep effect.
... read moreIn this fourth installment of Yoga Break, Natasha guides us through Mountain Pose, paired with preparing a cup of high-mountain WuYi oolong. Breathe deep and enjoy!
... read moreThe holidays are laden with booby traps and potentially hazardous encounters. However, before panic sets and you start scanning Craigslist for under-the-table therapy, the answer to your anxiety is right in the kitchen. Look beyond the steaming pots and pans to your spice cabinet, and make sure that you have these essentials on hand...
... read moreNatasha Nesic walks us through a light backbend, paired with a robust tea.
... read moreIn this fourth installment of TeaMuse Yoga Break, Natasha guides us through preparation of a high-mountain WuYi oolong, paired with the strength and poise-inspiring Mountain Pose.
... read moreSteep a cup of smoky Lapsang Souchong and work your muscles in a simple Plank pose. Sip the tea and savor the sensation of stretch!
... read moreSavor the delicious Formosa Oolong while taking a nice, relaxing yoga break. A simple stretch paired with a cup of tea can go a long way in improving your mood!
... read moreA summary of the historical and medicinal uses (as well as flavor notes) of chrysanthemum, rose, and jasmine teas.
... read moreEnhance your tea-drinking with a simple yoga practice that pairs Tree Pose with Ti Kuan Yin oolong for a stress relieving experience.
... read moreMidwinter Blues. Doldrums. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Whatever you want to call it, theres a proven link between our mood and the sudden drop in sunshine over the course of the season.
... read moreMuch like getting a puppy, the decision to bring a tea cozy into your home is a serious matter that requires careful consideration. It's a commitment. You have to be prepared. Consult with all members of the household in order to ensure that everyone is ready and willing to share their home with an unfamiliar occupant.
... read moreYou cant get anything for a dollar these dayseven if you went to the local 99-cent joint, theres still tax and markup and next thing you know, youre out three bucks when you only meant to spend one, and those extra two were supposed to buy you a cup of tea this week. Or breakfast. Or deodorant. The answer: bulk tea.
... read moreIf you have tea, you can outwit your skin and your wallet with a nifty little scrub--no name brand required.
... read moreBring back your tastebuds from their flavoring-induced coma with these pumpkin-free alcoholic recipes.
... read moreLooking for a quick DIY costume idea? Got tea? Look no further - we'll help you zombify!
... read moreI dont care what kind of hole youre in this Halloween. Even if youre by your onesie, theres still room to throw a Halloween party. All you need is a playlist.
... read moreGet your brain back in the game this fall with tea. Whether it's Sencha, Yerba Mate, or Rosemary, there's a tea out there to perk you up!
... read moreTheres got to be a better way of taking a break from life, sans-procrastination. Or at least better use of that procrastinated time. How about making tea?
... read moreThis summer has seen the resurrection of "boho chic": overwrought gypsy skirts and peasant tops that should have been buried for good in 2005. Ten years later, boho brings back the paisley circus tents. But someone must told them to cut it out, so they put in more cutouts. Plus fringe, tassels, and finally meshing it all up before it was released to the hangers, where it has been picked up by fashion's desperate hangers-on.
... read moreDevoting the month of August to Fashion Infusion, a foray into tea-inspired style.
... read moreYou've done it! You've finally arranged that super important awesome business meeting of a lifetime. Now for the venue. Chances are that you'll be meeting between 11am and 4pm, which narrows down your options. A coffee shop won't cut it, especially not if you intend to impress. A stately tea, however, is just the right touch.
... read moreBecause You Always Wanted A Monocle: Earl Grey Style 101. A black blend of rusty-sweet, followed by floral afternotes, all under the influence of bergamot's heady scent. Not to mention the way those cornflowers bobble like drunken tutus as it steeps, a small respite from the loneliness of paper-writing or deep space.
... read moreBefore the influx of Camellia sinensis in the 1600s, Europe's specialty was herbal drinks. As one might imagine, the development of plant-based medicine during the Roman Empire led to some tasty discoveries that now populate every kafana menu...
... read moreAs we're chugging our pitchers of iced tea, the biggest question of the summer inevitably comes up: Does tea cause dehydration? A study in the United Kingdom came to the conclusion that "black tea, in the amounts studied, offered similar hydration properties to water."
... read moreAs more and more of us submit to the everyday time crunch, RTD--or "ready-to-drink"--iced tea becomes the go-to solution. Cheap and fast, it's a neat container of caffeine and L-theanine that you can tug around the office, or whichever tight space you're crammed into today.
... read moreWhether aged fruits and grains, or aged Camellia sinensis leaves--it's all plant matter. Both have been oxidized or fermented, and thanks to science and fortune, the similar methodology produces similar flavors. For every category of booze or brew, there's an equivalent tea.
... read moreManhattan had no idea it was a Monday. Sunshine sprawled through the city like hipsters at another Occupy movement. I ducked out of the overzealous sun and into Midtown Comics. It was cozy and all too convenient, just an avenue away from Grand Central Terminal...
... read more