Secret to Healthy Aging is in the Cup... of Tea

We'd like to bust a few myths about aging. Good genes are important, but they're not as important as exercise, a good diet and a well-rounded life that includes work you like and people you enjoy.
You're not destined to be frail, forgetful or lacking stamina, either. In fact, old age can be a most delightful chapter in your life, full of activity and, with a little preparation, vibrant health.
One key to that is including healthful, antioxidant-rich tea in your diet, your hygiene routines and in your social life as often as you can. Here are a few ways that tea can make aging more comfortable and more enjoyable:
INVITE PEOPLE OVER FOR TEA. Socializing is a critical element in staying engaged in life and with the people you love. Don't wait for the phone to ring or for the next email to post. Invite someone or several people over for tea at least once a week. Make an effort to present a pretty table, a few delicious snacks and, of course, a beautifully-brewed pot of tea. We suggest our classics for this like Earl Grey or a breakfast blend that nearly everyone enjoys.
HOST A TEA DANCE. This old timey ritual has so many wonderful variations that fit right into today's lifestyle. You can rent a room in a hotel or at your local church or synagogue, play your favorite dance music from you mp3 player or hire a small band, offer light refreshments and, of course, two or three beverage urns of tea including a flavored black, a light green and a marvelous herbal like plain or flavored rooibos. Dancing is social, totally fun and it's a surefire way to stay young and fit.
DRINK TEA DAILY, PREFERABLY GREEN. Whether it's protecting against heart disease, dementia or fatigue, study after study reports that the naturally-appearing polyphenols in tea protect our immune system against infection, aid blood circulation and lessen the impact of any chronic health problems you may have. Try a sweet Japanese Sencha, a Chinese Yunnan or Ceylon Sonata. Each has a distinct edge of flavor sure to please every discerning palate.
USE TEA TO NOURISH BEAUTY AROUND YOU. Fertilize your flowers and plants or vegetables with spent tea leaves. They'll grow fast and lush and add beauty to your home and elevate your spirit. Whether you have a single ivy plant, a window box of pansies or an ambitious vegetable garden, all will benefit from tea and you will benefit from the exercise of gardening and the pure pleasure of seeing these plants grow. Just sprinkle spent tea leaves directly onto the soil around the plants. Better yet, if you have a compost pile, feed it your daily tea leaves and keep the worms that offer nutrients happy.
GIVE TEA AWAY. Along with socializing, being generous and sharing your life and your tea will give you benefits of friendship, companionship and love. Whenever the occasion calls for a gift, offer a new package of tea, an accessory for tea brewing, even a teacup or pot. Sharing the accoutrements of tea rituals is akin to spreading affection and kindness to those around you. And, everyone knows that kindness keeps everyone ageless.
CONNECT WITH THE WORLD OF TEA IN ART. Visit a tea room, a tea garden, a processing plant or a potter specializing in teacups and pots. Look for tea-themed art at your local art museums and galleries and encourage them to host exhibits of the tea arts. Take a class in clay or polymer and create tea themed art. You'll have so much fun, meet new people and share your love of all things tea.
KEEP UP WITH NEW RESEARCH. This is an exciting time in tea research and green tea is getting lots of attention for its powerful impact on our health, particularly as we age. For example, a recent study from Japanese researchers surmised that people 60-years-old or older who regularly consume fresh green tea, like Dragonwell from China and Sencha from Japan, have fewer signs of disability, more cognitive ability and are both more active and more agile than those the same age who do not consume any tea. Adagio offers fine samplers to start you on your path to health, at any age!
Here are two of Adagio's top-selling samplers: