5 Teas To Wake You Up When December Ends

Alrighty, kids.
I know that it’s December, but in my field — the fun, fabulous field of fitness — this is the calm before the storm.
In just one short month, January gymgoers will be flooding the floor with fresh New Years’ resolutions, snapping up space to squat before someone else edges in to conquer their prime, rubber-sanitization-scented benching territory. (See, that’s when a whole lot of alliteration gets mixed up in a crowd of extended descriptors. But honestly, not too unlike the feeling of being in a post-12/31 gym.)
For those of us who are already attacking the treadmill— either literally or metaphorically— the best thing to have right now is a winter workout playlist. The sooner you invest in a set of heart-pumping tunes, the sooner you’ll be able to take yourself from Point “(A)hhh, what am I doing?” to Point “(B)eing strong, that’s what I’m doing.”
And as luck would have it, Adagio has some great teas for that playlist to keep the vibes up when you get back home.
1. Chaga Chai
For “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X
I never get sick of remixes, and this one does it fine. Chai spices, which are traditionally some combination of cinnamon, clove, ginger, and cardamon, run the risk of getting overplayed— especially when we’re in the middle of a season where pumpkin-spiced-somethings are just leaving the shelves right as their Candy Cane and Black Forest flavored cousins are taking their place. However, Adagio knows that the best way to keep a chai in season— any season— is to keep on harmonizing it with new and improved vibes.
2. Fiery Cinnamon Spice
For “The Phoenix” by Fall Out Boy
I may have covered flaming-hot teas in this past article for The Fifth of November, but let me tell you: I’m so glad to have saved this bonfire— but not specifically Bonfire— of a tea for December’s blood-warming playlist.
This blend is just the perfect waker-upper in the middle of a freezing day, and even though I’m writing this at the tail end of November, I’m already getting premonitions of midwinter snow. As soon as the wind starts feeling like an air conditioner that nobody knows how to set on “low,” that’s when I need to reach for a cup like this one. It’s going to be excellent for soothing sore muscles postworkout, since heat may help boost recovery after exercise.
3. White Darjeeling
For “My December” by Linkin Park
This is such a subtle tea, so please treat it gently with well-managed water at the appropriate temperature. You’ll want a VariTEA variable temperature kettle for this, please!
Just because a tea like this deserves to be treated like someone special— someone to come home to, just like in the song we’re pairing it with. Plaintive, yearning, and a little mournful for what may not have been able to come to pass over the year. Since we all have our individual thoughts and feelings at the closing of the season, I leave you to attribute your personal meaning behind the lyrics as you let it take you through an easy, thoughtful cooldown to your workout— and looking forward to January being brighter and more beautiful than any darkness the season may have brought before.
4. Blackberry Sage Oolong
For “Viva la Vida” by Coldplay and covered by First to Eleven
Right along with remixes of good tunes to begin with, cover songs go in my catalog of Yes-please-may-I-have-some-more (Oliver Twist is a holiday-must, right?). First to Eleven brings some amazing feminine energy to this song with the lead singer’s incredible vocals, the same way that the sweet blackberry and heady sage add so much depth and character to an already strong, satisfying Formosa Oolong.
Since oolongs are partially oxidized— darker than a green tea, yet not all the way to a black tea— it allows for a wonderful duality of flavors and notes that just sing their way back to the refrain.
5. Honeybush Blueberry Pancake
For “Face My Fears” by Hikaru Utada/Skrillex
Sometimes, the best part of the workout is not the feeling before or during— when you’re hot and uncomfortable and sweating your pants off— but the feeling after, when you’re collapsed on the yoga mat and everything just feels… good. You did it. You faced your fears. Now go have a honey-blueberry smoothie, or pancake, or whatever you do afterwards to make you feel as happy and cuddly as this tea does.
You did something good for yourself by getting into the gym today, or even just getting down in your room or basement to pound out a fabulous set of pushups. It only makes sense to let the next thing you do for yourself— in tea form— be just as good.
Natasha Nesic
NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, Founder of Work Life Fitness