Tea for Springtime Allergies

Tell me this isn’t happening to you right now:
“Hey man, so I was saying about the new Mortal Kombat—”
“Ah... ”
“ — Like, the CGI is decent, but— ”
“ — and nothing compared to the original — ”
“Ahhhhhhh— ”
“ — yo man, you ok?”
Yep. It’s safe to call that one a T. K. O— Total Knock Out.
Now that May is here and spring is in full throttle, you might be encountering a familiar opponent: allergies.
The culprits here are varied, depending on your particular sensitivity. Pollen, humidity, air pressure… The list goes on. And one of the biggest nuisances is the fact that your body is going to be responding to these would-be invaders by releasing antibodies called histamines, which are responsible for runny noses, itchy eyes, etc.
There are plenty of over-the-counter antihistamines to level the playing field, but have you ever wondered if the solution could be found in your tea chest as well?
Well, if we’re on Adagio, then you know that the answer is going to be a yes, yes, and yes please.
Some of the top herbs to combat allergy-induced histamines are echinacea, turmeric, and fruit and vegetables that are high in vitamin C. So if you want to add the best options to your herbal arsenal, here are the best teas from Adagio that contain those ingredients:
I’d start with this one because it’s the mildest, and probably the most familiar if you ever had grandma brew you up a pot of all-purpose flu tea. This adorable little purple flower has a history of being used to treat the common cold and seasonal sneeze-’n-als, with significant studies on its benefits for upper respiratory tract infections. This makes it a valuable component of any herbal remedy, especially since avoiding respiratory difficulty is certainly a priority during this unprecedented— and still not entirely over! — pandemic era. (However, if you’re reading this many years in the future and there is no COVID-19, you probably will still have the sniffles of some sort. C’est la vie.)
Adagio features two delightful options that are blended with echinacea: Minty Comfort, and most unexpectedly, Elderberry Wine! (In case you ever wanted to try out a certain Black Knight’s refrain on mothers being hamsters and fathers smelling like elderberries.)
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways— except that science has already beaten me to the punch. Thank goodness, because turmeric has a lot to offer: from being a potent anti-inflammatory to alleviating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, studies have shown that it can counteract most of the aches and pains of daily living, and buff your immune system better than a Barbarian Berserker Bard—
— Whoops, I think I mixed up a few classes there. But if you’re still with me, here are a few turmeric mixes that you don’t want to pass on: Turmeric Bliss, Golden Turmeric Chai, and Arabica Lemon Turmeric. I’m particularly excited about the hint of lemon that Adagio adds to punch up turmeric’s not-so-easy-to-handle earthiness. That’s also why I don’t usually recommend turmeric off the bat to anyone with a serious sweet tooth, since there’s a chance they’ll turn up their nose at it before giving this pungent little root a chance to prove itself.
Vitamin C
Check it out— the antihistamine power of this crucial vitamin is so massie that it even can suppress nausea during seasickness! As if we needed any more reason to get in extra fruits and vegetables.
Some of the best fruity teas on Adagio would have to be Berry Blast, Honeybush Wild Berry, and our friend Raspberry Patch. If you’re disinclined to brew up a hot cup as the weather turns up the heat, then fear not— many of these are available in iced pouches as well. Nifty! It’s definitely the easiest to find in a pinch— since turmeric and echinacea require a bit of health-store know-how— and the easiest to brew up big batches of when the sneezles start to hit.
Which antihistamine powerhouse are you excited to try out? Let me know in the comments, and until next time, may you stay safe and healthy in every possible way!
Natasha Nesic
NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, Founder of Work Life Fitness