Balasun First Flush

Next up on Masters Teasis the wonderfully exciting Balasun 1st Flush Darjeeling!
This first flush black tea from the Balasun Tea Estate grows in the north valley area in the state of Darjeeling near the town Kurseong in India. First established in 1871, this vintage garden has undergone many planting changes and the teas are now 51% China jat, 40% hybrid Assam, with 9% classic Darjeeling clonal varieties
This Darjeeling and our other selections at Masters Teas are imported direct from the farmers who grow them to insure the freshest tea-drinking experience. They are purchased in limited small production quantities. You do not need to be a tea connoisseur to enjoy these exceptional teas, and we encourage you to add these selections as part of your tea-journey experience.
ORIGIN: Grown at levels 1300 meters above sea level, at moderate temperatures, the tea offers a classic floral essence that is typically Darjeeling. Our selection is from farmer Bandana Pradham’s April 2019 harvest. It is the first flush or new growth tea.
THE LEAF: With a profusion of green tips, this large, whole leaf has a wiry shape that is well twisted from its fine processing that gives off a sweet nutty aroma dry and brews to a light yellow to a coppery red in the cup with a classic Darjeeling essence.
HOW TO BREW: For those new to connoisseur-level Darjeelings, please note that the leaves of this black tea are more delicate, more like a green. Feel free to experiment with brewing, first with under-boiling (200-205° F.) water for 2 minutes. For a deeper flavor, brew for 2 to 3 minutes with boiling water (212° F.) Three infusions are possible. Choose your finest pot and cup for this exceptional tea.
THE TASTE: Unlike the later pluckings, this first flush Darjeeling offers a delicate floral scent, a light briskness in flavor and clean sweet finish, and should be drunk before September because it fades quickly. For best flavor, buy and drink this now through early summer.
CAFFEINE: High level for energy and high levels of the amino acid, L-theanine, which provides the unique contradiction of all Camellia sinensis, alertness for the mind and calm for the body. The green plant tips which blossom first after the cold winter, provide the healthful catechins (antioxidant properties.)