Monthly Musings February 2008
Hello Tea Drinkers!
February is the shortest month of the year, as well as the coldest month, depending on your location. When the deep-freeze hits, I like to bundle up with a hot cup of tea. I prefer indoor activities, so no bunny-slopes for this girl, and I take advantage of the time to catch up on a book, bake something yummy, or watch a movie I've been meaning to see. If snowed in and you find yourself coming down with a case of cabin fever, you'll have to get creative in order to keep yourself entertained. Adagio has come up with something that'll help you pass the time, as well as allow your creativity to soar: Our Signature Blends feature.

If you are a returning customer of ours you can now create a signature blend out of a wide selection of plain and flavored teas through your customer profile. In addition to choosing the type and amount of each tea that will go in your blend, you can also upload an original picture and create a unique name, story, and description for your tea. Of course, there is no obligation to purchase the blend you've concocted, so you can sit in front of your computer as the snow falls, creating a signature tea for every member of your family, your significant other, bowling league, etc. A small tin of a custom blended tea is $10.00, and makes a great personalized gift.
Gift giving may be on your mind this month too with the arrival of Valentine's Day on the 14th. You either love or hate the commercial holiday, and perhaps your biggest fan is yourself. If anything, you can brood over an unrequited crush or how disgusting this time of year is due to the inundation of red and pink over a cup of our Valentines Tea. Even if you prefer drawing X's over ex-lovers' pictures as opposed to alongside O's, this tea, which has the flavor of chocolate and strawberries mixed in with fine black tea leaves, will leave you smitten. Add a little of our Sugar Crystals and be prepared to fall in love.
Sip your tea with passion, and be sure to share some with someone you love. Or at least like a good amount.
XOXOXOXO galore,