So Who Writes these Articles Anyway? You can!

Hi TeaMuse readers!
If you're here, then we know you love all things tea! Do you also write, blog, craft, photograph, and create!? If yes, then we want you!
We're seeing new authors for TeaMuse, as well as creators to contribute to our recently re-launched Tea Blog.
For articles to be published here on TeaMuse, the sky is the limit! Anything tea-related is fair game! The true goal of articles here is to inform and educate the tea lover, introducing us to new and different information on/about tea that we haven't come across - OR to take a well-known tea topic and bring a new spin to it.
TeaMuse articles should be well-researched and thought out, and we're willing to work with new authors, to develop great ideas. Published authors will receive a fun gift from Adagio for their first article, including our special creators stickers. Following that, if we strike up a working relationship, authors are paid per article.
Over at our Tea Blog, entertainment is the name of the game! We want to feature your tea-based crafting project, or showcase your awesome tea-themed Instagram account. Our readers should be able to pick up a couple of tricks or hacks along the way too!
Blog creators receive increasing Adagio rewards per post, including our creators stickers, and custom packages of your favorite teas!
If you're interested in submitting your work for consideration to be published, you can submit finished pieces, drafts or ideas (accompanied by finished samples of other work) - Email your work to!
On the subject line, make sure you add one of the following:
Not sure if your idea is more TeaMuse or Blog? Submit your idea anyway! We'll work with you to help find it's place! Overview of details here.
Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see your words here soon!