Monthly Musings October 2009

Hello Tea Lovers!
We are really into the swing of things here at Adagio Teas. We are already prepping our facilities for the upcoming holiday season. You might think it's too early to think about holiday shopping, but we here already have all that good stuff on our minds! We have a new packaging machine that we hope to have up and running by the end of the year, and we are planning our holiday specials. Keep an eye out for them on our website! Be sure to also tune into our Twitter during the holidays for any one time promotional offers!
One item our customers start seeking out around this time is our popular holiday sampler! We are mixing up batches of pumpkin spice, candy apple, chestnut, cranberry, gingerbread, and candy cane- you can only imagine how yummy it smells here! Each sampler is $11.00.
Last month, I was able to do a bit of traveling to visit a good friend out in Boulder, Colorado. Whenever I go anywhere, I have to seek out the good eats and good tea! Boulder is a wonderful city, small enough to explore but definitely chock full of lots of fun places to stuff my face with and get my tea drinking on! Please read my review on Boulder's famed Dushanbe Tea House in this month's issue of TeaMuse.
Dushanbe was not the only place I was able to get some great tea. After a wonderful lunch at The Kitchen on Pearl Street, I dragged my full-tummy, tourist butt over to Ku-Cha House of Tea. It was definitely a welcome respite after a rich meal and much needed after all the walking I was doing! Plus the altitude definitely takes a toll on you if you're not used to it! I was able to enjoy a pot of milk oolong in their peaceful loft-like tearoom. Ku Cha is located conveniently off of the Pearl Street Mall on 2015 13th St Boulder, CO 80302. They carry loose-leaf teas from around the world as well as beautiful gaiwans and tea ware sets. Their staff is very friendly and knowledgeable; so don't be shy to ask any questions you may have! If you can't make it to Boulder anytime soon, check out their website here: KuCha Tea
Boulder is also home to a big name in tea- Celestial Seasonings. Even if you don't lean towards herbal teabags and the like, if you're in town it's a definite must to visit their factory where they have free tours. I had the chance to do this and it was a lot of fun! It was very fascinating to see how another tea company's production line works and we got to go into the famous Peppermint Room- the herb is so potent and strong that it cleared out my sinuses! Apparently, if Celestial Seasonings is making any sort of peppermint blend, the smell of mint can be experienced several miles away from the factory! They also offer free tastings of all their teas and have a great little gift shop full of their teas as well as all sorts of fun tea gifts and Beehouse teapots! I'm happy I could share my tea-travels with you all.
Lastly, it is a new month and we are pleased to present another farmer in our Roots Campaign program. You can check out October's farmer, Niklaas Jakobus Slinger a rooibos farmer from South Africa. Remember, 10% of October's rooibos tea sales will go directly to Mr. Slinger to help him with his farm. Read and learn about his typical day as a tea farmer- it's really quite a job and we thank him for doing it! We also thank you for making September's Roots Campaign a success- we were able to present $532.60 to farmer Mr. Lin Chui Feng from your purchases of Jasmine #12. Let's make October a great month too!
Yours in tea,