
Monthly Musings June 2009

Adagio Teas' new design
Adagio Teas' new design

Hi Tea Lovers!

We aren't fans of cleaning around TeaMuse/Adagio HQ (our office is a bit of a mess) but we did want to clean up something, so we decided to revamp our website - which explains our new layout! Like it? Hate it? Let us know- we're interested in what you have to say. We expanded the line of items for a wider menu of options. You will also see that the Blooming teas have their own respective cup (instead of hiding under extras). Our wish-list feature has been combined with the favorites list, which you can update from each item's page on our website. We hope to add a lot of other interactive features on our website to make more of an experience every time you come visit us at adagio.com!

You might also have noticed a new icon in our tea 'menu'- pantry. Here we have our popular sugar crystals. We are also adding some other items to our pantry- tea chocolates and tea cookies! We are currently working on these exciting projects and hope to offer them soon to add to the perfect cup of tea.

This month, we also look forward to the arrival of some great, fresh teas. Already in stock is our Spring Darjeeling and Nepal First Flush teas. Please check them out! We will also be back in stock of our popular flavored green teas.

Congratulations to our chai giveaway winner, Pam S. of Charleston, SC. I hope she enjoys it! Thanks for everyone who participated! I look forward in offering more giveaways!

Our anTEAdote promotion is going on, so if you haven't stocked up for the summer, you still have time!

Yours in tea,